Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Proud Crow and The Cunning Fox - Famous Story with a Meaningful Twist (Part-2)

The Proud Crow and Cunning Fox
Twist in the famous story from Panchatantra with three important morals

3. Third version of the story 

Again years passed by...

Dony, a crow was sitting on the branch of the tree, with a peace of cookie comfortably gripped between his beak.

Rony—a mischievous fox was passing through. He saw the cookie. He was hungry. To grab that sweet yummy cookie, first he applied the old and famous trick of flattering—praising Dony’s voice to lure him into singing and so forth.

But Dony was no idiot; he was aware of those types of tricks and knew how to deal with them.

He didn't pay attention to the fox and started relishing the cookie. The fox of new generation had also become more cunning according to its inherent nature. Rony applied plan 'B.' 

He told Dony, "I think you are eating the cookie right now. So naturally you can't sing. But let me tell you one thing. Have you noticed your cookie is contaminated? You should check the latest bulletin that recently all the lot of cookies got spoil due to some bacteria!! Are you sure it’s fit for consumption?

Dony really got worried! He didn’t want to take any chance with health—he threw the cookie away, immediately. Cunning Rony grabbed the cookie and ran away.

Dony realized that again he became fool by the fox.


  • When you learn something, try to understand the concept and apply the lesson in various dimension of life. ‘6’ cannot be only 1+5; 2+4, or 4+2, or 5+1, etc. can also be ‘6;’ even, 7-1, or 8-2, or 9-3 etc.; And 2x3, or 3x2, 1x6; and 12/2, or 18/3, or 24/4 etc.—these all are ‘6.’

4. Fourth version of the story

Again years passed by...

Jumbo an unsuspecting crow was sitting on the branch of a tree with a piece of cake in his beak.

Dumbo—a giggly fox was passing by that tree. He saw the cake gripped between his beak. He played a trick. First, he flattered him into singing. But as Jumbo had imbibed lessons from his ancestors, the trick didn't work out. Dumbo applied the plan 'B.' He tried to create doubt in crow's mind and thus tried to scare him. But the crow of latest generation had learnt the new lesson also and he was pretty sure about the his cunningness.

When the plan 'B' also failed, the fox got disappointed. He was really hungry and now thinking of what to do?

Jumbo flew down from the tree—holding the cake in its claw and talked very gently with that fox.

He told: "I think you are hungry. Am I right?"

Dumbo helplessly replied, "Yes."

Jumbo had learnt many moral and spiritual values from his parents. He has seen his parents living those values in their life. He is also used to read moral stories and regularly engaged in satsang. So it was very easy for him to live them.

He told Dumbo, "Dear Dumbo! If you are hungry, then why are you making things complicated? You could have told me about your hunger and we could have shared the cake. I could have given it to you or shared it with you. There were no need to be so tricky about it. Your cunningness will harm your inner self and also to the creatures like me, who, out of fear of being fooled and cheated, become suspicious and think a thousand times before trusting anyone! Please, stop being cunning, okay!!"

Having said so, he generously shared the cake with him. Both of them relished the cake and satiated their hunger.


  • Be simple in life. Don't try to be over smart by flattering or scaring others. That can lead someone into becoming distrustful and suspicious. 
  • If someone is trying to play the tricks with you and you are enough aware about it, take a generous way to deal with. Act in the way that would lead both—you and the other person—in the right direction. Your straightforwardness may remove the bad habits of others.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Proud Crow and The Cunning Fox - Famous Story with a Meaningful Twist (Part-1)

The Proud Crow and Cunning Fox

Twist in the famous story from Panchatantra with three important morals

Original story​​
There was a crow named Tony; he was very proud of himself. One day he found a masala pudi (Indian crispy snack). He picked up the pudi with his beak and flew to the forest. He went and sat on the branch—thinking, “Let me relish this pudi now,” and grabbed it between his beak. 

Vicky- a cunning fox was hanging around. He was very hungry; could not climb the tree. When he saw the crow about to devour a crispy pudi, he devised a scheme.

He thought to himself, “Crows are one of the proudest birds I ever known.” He went to Tony and talked to him in sweetest voice, “O! My friend crow, you are the king of birds. You have beautiful wings. “O! You have bright eyes. O! You have a very graceful neck. Can you sing a song for me? I am sure you have a beautiful voice too.”

The crow was foolish. He felt flattered listening to the praise of the fox. He opened his mouth to sing, “Caw! Caw!” The pudi fell down from his mouth. Vicky snapped it up quickly, “Hurray!” said the fox—gulping down the whole pudi in no time. 

The poor crow realized later that the fox was only fooling him.


  • Don't be overjoyed by the praises. Check weather you really deserve them or not. That will restrain you from being fooled by psychofants.
  • It is very important to understand the difference between flattery and appreciation.

2. Now the second version of this story:

Years passed by....

Romy, a young crow, was sitting on the branch of the tree with a slice of bread. Bony, a youthful fox was passing by; he saw the craw with a bread in its beak. Now he was really very hungry. He remembered what his ancestors used to do in the same condition. Like his ancestors, he also started flattering the crow. 

If the fox can learn from its ancestors, why can't the crow? The crow took out the bread from its beak, with utmost care put it aside and told the fox: "O fox! My ancestors have taught me not to be fooled by the flattering. I know, your scheme. You will flatter into singing, hoping as soon as I open my mouth, the bread will fall off for you to grab. But alas! Your plan will not work out. If you can learn lessons from your ancestors, how can you forget that even I can learn and improve from the experiences of my ancestors?"


  • It is an important responsibility of elders to share their experiences with the new generation and teach them the correct attitude to deal with every situations to avoid loss or failures.
  • Children must learn from their elders' experiences and learn the lesson, so that no one can take their undue advantage.

(To be continued...)