Group 3[Age 12-15 yrs]
Group 3[Age 12-15 yrs]
Vaishnav Puri- Newbury Park, CA
What does it mean to be a Hindu?
Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems
that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution
of India, the word "Hindu" is attributed to all persons professing
any Indian religion (i.e. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism or Sikhism). In
common use today, it refers to an adherent of Hinduism.
To be a Hindu is: Love truth, look upon the world as
Ishwara. All forms of prayer are valid. You are responsible for your action,
for your lot. You can change your destiny. You have a free will. God is love,
God is everything. He is in the form of order. He is not partial to anybody.
God is not judgmental. Don’t say there will be judgment day and God will sit in
judgment and send you to Hell. God is not judgmental. He doesn’t make judgment.
You ask for it; you get it. There is no science,
no thought, no possibility that Hindu thought does not embrace? So there is
only one way to describe Hinduism for me – although it may mean many things to
other people – is that Hinduism is a search, a yearning, to find that which is
infinite within one’s own self, a yearning to experience that which is Eternal.
Over the centuries, many religious thinkers developed the
Hindu way of life; therefore, today almost every Hindu is fond of saying that
Hinduism is not only a religion but is also a way of life. Edmonds has tried to
explain this in very simple, yet very effective words, “India is a beautiful
country steeped in history, tradition, and art. “ For the 85 percent of the
Indian population that follows Hinduism, religion is what makes life endurable.
Hinduism teaches them that their plight in life has been caused by their
actions in the life they lived before. But, regardless of the misery one may
find in this life, Hinduism provides hope that the next life will be better.
This brings us to an interesting Hindu ideology, and that is the theory of
“Karma”. According to the theory of Karma, we are all part of a cycle of births
and rebirths. This cycle has no beginning or end. We are simply experiencing
the results of our own actions in our journey through this cycle. Our actions
bind us to this world, and such bondage causing action is known as ‘Karma’.
While good actions cause us to be reborn to experience the good effects, bad
actions cause us to be reborn to undergo pain and suffering.
From ancient times, Hindus have believed in the idea of one
“Supreme Spirit” that is everywhere (including in themselves and every
creature), formless and everlasting. But people often find it impossible to
understand a god that has no shape or form and is infinite. To understand and
experience God, the wise men of the past created a form of worship called
Upasana, which involves a combination of prayers, offerings of fruit, flowers,
incense and light, and meditation. The images and idols are an aid to worship and
not the object of worship. Hindus worship only one God, but they do so through
many different forms.
Few winters ago I had asked my grandfather (who is among us
in spirit now), “why Hindus’ worship so many gods and deities?” This was his
reply (which I still remember), “My great-grandfather told me this, and now I
will impart this knowledge to you: Hindus believe that all the gods are
different aspects of the Supreme Being, a holy spirit who does not have any
form. When they worship a god, they worship a particular aspect of the Supreme
Being: for example, god the loving mother, god the caring father, god the
guiding teacher, god the friend, and so on”. Hence, through the idols, and
images Hindus worship a particular noble aspect of humanity.
Hinduism is a vast collection of institutions, customs,
practices, belief- systems, philosophies, cults, deities, scriptures and so on
which constitute it’s mind-boggling diversity.
The most revered Bal Gangadhar Tilak has described that the
acceptance of the Vedas with reverence and recognition of the fact that the
means or way to salvation and the realization of the ultimate truth are indeed
the distinguishing features of HINDU religion. Thus Hinduism is the way of
life. This is the only way which leads to the ultimate truth, supreme reality
and the ultimate peace that’s what the people are looking for. Now we should
think about the peace and its origin. We can feel that we are in peace when we
have least thoughts in our mind. The more thought create conflict and that
conflict is root cause of stress, the most common disease heard. Basically
peace and the pleasure are the subject of our mind and the worldly thing that supposed
to give the pleasure also depends upon the state of mind otherwise they can’t
give us pleasure no matter how pleasurable acts they are. The urge for
attaining peace and happiness is very natural in human’s heart and under that
inspiration people do so many activity in the outer world but there is no end.
Life comes to an end but we never come across the peace and happiness,
In ancient time under this inspiration the saints made a
complete search for peace and express their well-considered opinion for its
attainment in UPNISHAD the part of the VEDAS. Similar to these views saints
like Kabir sahib, guru Nanak sahib, tulsidas ji, meera ji, Gyandev ji, Tukaram
ji, Ramdas ji and lord budha etc. also have described the views in their
contemporary languages. Once any aspirants would go over the literature of self-realized
soul would find the same views have been described in Vedas. The difference among the views of saints seems
due to their appearance at different time and places and giving different names
to each of such views according to their names by their followers due to
excessive admiration of their spiritual preceptors. But ultimately it would be
settled that there is an unbreakable unity in the spiritual views of all saints
if the essential and the basic principle of all saint’s views are taken into
account avoiding the sectarian sentiments separating exteriors from the
interior of their thoughts. The ultimate state of all saints is one and the
same has been described in the Vedas.
Now the person who is in search of the peace and happiness in
their life and observing the rule and regulation for its attainment can be
called as Hindu. As it was first described in the Veda; the most ancient book,
proven by modern science and the saints who described it was Hindu so we all
are by default HINDU when we are in search of peace according the process
described in their literature. Because all saints have described the same state
and process to attain the ultimate truth so there is no other and better way.
In Hinduism, there are no Sunday schools for religious
instruction, but there is a family shrine in almost every Hindu home. Prayers
are carried out at the shrine each morning and evening as a part of the
family’s daily routine.
Family life plays a significant part in Hindus. For many
Hindus, family life means being part of a large family with grandparents,
parents, aunts, uncles, and children all living under one roof. Children born
into a Hindu family begin to learn about their religion at home. There is much
that they can learn about Hindu beliefs and practices simply by living in a
family and in a Hindu community. Respect for elders is an important Hindu
culture; hence, an important part of the Hindu family values. Respect for
elders is also shown in many small ways. For example, by touching their feet to
show respect and then embracing them. At home, a woman, no matter how old she is,
will usually cover her head when her husband’s father enters the room. A man
does not smoke in front of his father or uncle or elder brother. Because of
these reasons, “the old people’s homes” of Europe and America are shocking
places in the eyes of Hindus. If our aging parents annoy, disappoint or
frustrate us, the only way that this can ever be turned around is for us, as
adult care-giving children, to absorb our reactions within ourselves. Our aging
parents are teaching us how to be aging parents. It is a wonderful life lesson
being taught right before our very own eyes.
Thus we see that Hinduism is intertwined in the lives of
Hindus and to all those who believe in Hinduism or its teachings. In
conclusion, “Hindus want to move beyond just believing in God to experiencing
god for themselves” (Veylanswami). This can be achieved only by adopting
Hinduism, which is not only a religion, but also a way of life.
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